Code Snippet #9: aww it's so tiny!
OK so today in python(It was gonna be C++ but I hate C++ and visual studio code was being annoying) we have a URL shortner, originally it was gonna be just pure code where you type in the url into a terminal and all that jazz, but I made some changes and got a GUI made with Tkinter.
so here is the code itself:
# Install the pyshorteners library using pip:
# pip install pyshorteners
# I think Tkinter comes with python so no need to install
# use this URL to test it out:
import tkinter as tk
import pyshorteners
def shorten_url():
url = urlEntry.get()
# Create a Shortener object
s = pyshorteners.Shortener()
# Shorten the URL
shortened_url = s.tinyurl.short(url)
window = tk.Tk()
instructLabel = tk.Label(window, text="Enter URL:")
urlEntry = tk.Entry(window, width=40)
strtBtn = tk.Button(window, text="Shorten URL", command=shorten_url)
resultL = tk.StringVar()
result_entry = tk.Entry(window, width=40, state="readonly", textvariable=resultL)
and here is the Execution man:
Code Execution:
first things first!
# Ensure you have the pyshorteners library using pip: pip install pyshorteners
first things first!
# Ensure you have the pyshorteners library using pip: pip install pyshorteners
Code Breakdown:
Importing Libraries:
We start by importing Tkinter for the graphical user interface and pyshorteners for interacting with URL shortening services.
Creating the Main Window:
Tkinter initializes the main window where our URL shortening tool will come to life.
Label Widget for Instruction:
A user-friendly label guides users to input the URL they wish to shorten. Clarity is key for a smooth user experience.
Entry Widget for URL Input:
An entry widget allows users to enter the URL they want to shorten. Its width is set to 40 characters, providing ample space for longer URLs.
Button Widget for URL Shortening:
The "Shorten URL" button triggers the URL shortening process. It's connected to the shorten_url function for seamless functionality.
Function shorten_url():
This function, the heart of our application, takes the user's input, communicates with TinyURL through pyshorteners, and updates the result for display.
Entry Widget for Displaying Shortened URL:
Another entry widget displays the shortened URL. It's set to "readonly" to prevent unintended edits, and its content dynamically updates based on the result.
Running the Tkinter Main Loop:
Tkinter's main loop ensures our UI stays responsive, allowing users to interact with the application until they choose to close it.
Understanding the URL Shortener Algorithm:
The algorithm here is simple:
User inputs a URL.
The shorten_url function contacts TinyURL through pyshorteners.
The shortened URL is displayed in the UI.
Application and Learning:
User-Friendly URL Shortening:
Integrate this snippet into your Python projects to provide users with a quick and user-friendly URL shortening experience.
Pyshorteners in Action:
Explore how the pyshorteners library streamlines the URL shortening process, making it accessible and efficient.
- Expand your Horizons by doing things such as:
- Customization: Experiment with different color schemes or fonts to personalize the interface.
- Error Handling: Incorporate error handling to gracefully handle invalid URLs or network issues.
- Service Selection: Explore other URL shortening services supported by pyshorteners to expand options for users.
- Copy Functionality: Add a button to allow users to easily copy the shortened URL to their clipboard.
With this URL shortener in your toolkit, you'll conquer those lengthy links and create a more streamlined online experience!
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