SideCase 1: How I (Almost) Let Stress Stifle My Blog (and How it can happen to you too!)

 Hey everyone,

It's been a while. Like, a concerningly long "while" since my last post. You might be wondering what happened – did I lose interest in blogging? Did I get swept away by a rogue wave of code? (Not that exciting, unfortunately.)

The truth is, life threw me a curveball (or ten). My grandma's health took a turn for the worse, schoolwork piled up like never before, my finances went wayward and suddenly, my once-hopefully growing blog felt like a chore. 

a suffocating sense of obligation.

Sound familiar? We've all been there. The passion project you poured your heart into suddenly feels like a burden. Stress from external factors bleeds into everything you do, and that spark of creativity gets extinguished under the weight of "shoulds" and "have-tos."

A True Battle Against Burnout!

The road to burnout is paved with good intentions, my friends. We take on too much, push ourselves to the limit, and before we know it, inspiration runs dry. Here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way.

I learned from my break though!

So, how did I crawl myself out of the burnout pit and (hopefully) back to consistent blogging? 

I didn't! but I'll still try to keep going.

Here are some lessons learned:

Prioritize ruthlessly. Life throws curveballs, but you get to decide how you handle them. It's okay to take a break from your passion project if you need to focus on more pressing matters. Your project will still be around when you return (unless it's do or die I guess).

Communicate openly. Let your friends and family(or your audience) know what's going on. 

Take Small steps and Eventually Big Wins. Don't try to jump back in headfirst. Start small – a quick update, a small addition, a quick idea written down. Celebrate these small victories, and gradually build momentum.

Rekindle your flame. What initially sparked your passion for project? Revisit those reasons. Remind yourself of the joy you get from creating and sharing.

Remember, your well-being is paramount. A healthy and balanced you is a much better than a burnt-out shell. Take care of yourself, prioritize what matters, and don't be afraid to adjust your approach when needed.

Have you ever faced a situation where external factors threatened to derail your passion project? How did you overcome it? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Let's build a community of supportive creators who prioritize both their well-being and their creative outlets.

See you guys soon, I'll start posting again,

~~Justin Case


Quote of the day